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Before & After Photos

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Dutch Colonial Roof Replacement in Windham, CT

Seeking a contractor to carry out a roof replacement, owners of this 1938 Dutch Colonial-style home trusted Klaus Larsen Roofing with the job. We started by tearing off 1 layer of existing roofing materials, as well as replacing 5 layers of damaged plywood decking. Next we installed three rows of Ice & Water Barrier near roof valleys, eaves, chimneys, etc. For shingles, we installed darker gray giving this home exceptional curb appeal. These shingles included a 10 year Algae-Resistance Limited Warranty as well as a 130 MPH Wind Resistance Warranty. Lastly, we removed and replaced flashing on the chimney with brand new lead flashing. This attractive home is now complete with its new Klaus Larsen roof installment!

North Windham Fire Department Roof Replacement

The before picture is what the roof on the fire department looked like when the Sales Inspector came to examine the problem. The after photo is when our production team had almost completed the roof. We had a few more steps to complete after the photo was taken. We finished the job in one day!

Chimney Flashing in Windham, CT

Right here in Windham, our crew gave this chimney new flashing to prevent water damage. 

Put A Klaus On Your House

A beautiful new roof done right here in Windham! 

Roof Replacement in Windham, CT

Manuel in Windham, CT owns this beautiful home with a 29-year-old roof that has weathered years of the harsh New England weather, and is now ready for a roof replacement to maintain the safety and structure of his home. Knowing Klaus Larsen Roofing has highly trained workers and top line products, Manuel decided to put a kalus on his house! Our crew got to work stripping off the old weathered shingles and replacing any damaged plywood boards with new fresh ones. Then, we prep the decking with the SealoronXT Deck Tape and the Ice&Water along all eaves and edges of the roof, and then the VeloraOne Roof underlayment covering the remainder. After this, the crew is ready to install the IKO Dynasty shingles. Manual chose the beautiful Atlantic Blue, complimenting his home perfectly. Now, Manuel's home is safe and protected, with a stunning look to top it off. The Klaus Roofing Way!