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Before & After Photos

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New Ridge Vent Installation in Shelton, Connecticut

New ridge vents were installed on this roof by the Brown Roofing team. Underneath a layer of brand new IKO Dynasty shingles, in the color Sentinel Slate, is a vent. This vent will release hot air from the customer's attic, preventing condensation and mold.

Roof Replacement Transforms This Home in Shelton, Connecticut

This roof in Shelton, Connecticut needed help, and the owner chose Brown Roofing for the job. Lichen growth and shingle staining was holding this home back from its full aesthetic potential. In addition, the roof was leaking and had water damage. The crew replaced damaged plywood, and installed new underlayment and shingles. These protective measures will keep this home safe from further water damage and leaks. The IKO Dynasty shingles that our crew used to complete this transformation were in the color Monaco Red. 

Beautiful Roof Transformation in Shelton, Connecticut

In the first photo, shingle stains, discoloration, and worn shingles are the most noticeable characteristics of this home. However, after the Brown Roofing team installed a brand new roof, this home's other traits are highlighted. Beautiful landscaping, striking blue siding, and bright white trim are more noticeable after the damaged roof has been removed. Our crew worked hard to transform this home, and restore this it to its full potential. This customer chose the color Granite Black for their new IKO Dynasty shingles. 

Great New Roof in Shelton, Connecticut

A new roof installed by Brown Roofing allows this home to reach its full potential. The existing old and discolored roof was preventing this home from looking its best. After a new roof was installed, with reliable IKO Dynasty shingles, this house is looking better than ever. The shingle color that this customer chose was Cornerstone.

Spectacular Roof Transformation in Shelton, Connecticut

This home looks great after a full roof from placement from the experts at Brown Roofing! The old shingles on this roof were worn and stained. They were removed and replaced with new IKO Dynasty shingles. This customer chose the shingle color Summit Gray. This new shingle style adds dimension to the design of this home.