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Full Roof Replacement in Wethersfield, CT

This custom built brick colonial located in Wethersfield, CT was in desperate need of a new roof. The roof was 27 years old and original to the home, built in 1991. This home was having leaking issues and getting water spots on the ceilings. We first stripped the existing roof and hauled it to the Asphalt Roof Recycling Center located in Stratford, CT. Then, we replaced the rotted plywood decking and laid down Owens Corning Weatherlock G Ice & Water to ensure that any moisture stays out of the interior of the home. For shingles, we used Owens Corning Duration Shingles in the color Estate Gray. To top it off, we installed VentSure Ridge Vents to provide consistent top-notch attic ventilation to the home to prevent any mold from forming in the attic. 

Ranch Style Roof Replacement in Wethersfield, CT

This single-family home located in Wethersfield, CT was in need of a new roof. We started by tearing off one layer of existing roofing materials and replacing one layer of damaged plywood decking. We then covered the entire roof deck with Ice & Water barrier. In terms of shingles, we installed Cambridge Architectural Shingles in the color Charcoal Grey. We finished the job by removing and replacing flashing on the chimney with brand new lead flashing. This house is now complete thanks to Klaus Larsen Roofing!

Roof Replacement in West Suffield, CT

The homeowners of this West Suffield home contacted Klaus Larsen because their roof was 14 years old and the shingles on the home were guarateed for 25+ years. After tearing off one layer of existing roofing materials, the new plywood decking was installed. Three rows of Owens Corning Weatherlock G Ice & Water was installed, along with the ProArmor Synthetic Underlayment that is engineered to repel water. Oakridge shingles, in the color of Estate Gray, were installed for the finishing touches!

Full Roof Replacement in Killingworth, CT

What a difference a day makes. Here was a modern style architecture home located in Killingworth, CT. There was a great deal of visual deterioration, with a large amount of moss and curled shingles. OC True Def Duration Brownwood shingles, which come with a 50 year full warranty from Owens Corning, were used in this replacement. ProArmor Synthetic underlayment was used underneath, for added protection against moisture penetration. Cleanup was a challenge, as the home was located on a hill overlooking a large body of water. Klaus Larsen always makes sure to leave a property looking better than we found it, and this replacement turned out awesome!

Roof & Sun Tunnel Installment in Killingworth, CT

This stunning single-family home in Killingworth, CT was in need of a new roof. After tearing off one layer of existing roofing material, we installed a complete new plywood deck to the roof. We then removed the capped vent pipe from the family room and installed Smart Vent eave vents along all upper roof eaves. After covering all exposed roof decking with ice & water barrier, we installed a Klaus Larsen Roofing System with IKO Cambridge Architectural Shingles in the color Weatherwood. We finished the job by installing a 10-inch impact dome sun tunnel by Velux. This house is now complete thanks to Klaus Larsen Roofing!